History of Legendary Akaushi Genetics Foundation Cow Families.

For more than 100 years, Akaushi cattle have undergone genetic improvements, with their genetics guarded and not permitted into the international cattle market until 1994 when eight Akaushi cows and three bulls were brought to the United States. The cows made their way to the U.S. through a now-closed loophole: the U.S.-Japan Trade Act of 1992. The resulting genetics of many of these original genetics are represented in our donor females. We continue to respect the foundation genetics and strive to make them better with each mating and generation.

Yamato 117 Ringo
Ringo 117 is the natural calf of the famous cow Dai 8 Marunami, born in Japan in 1994. Finding daughters and granddaughters of these genetic lines is not easy, but you can trace Ringo back to several of our foundation females.
Ume is one of the females that can't be found in many pedigrees but is very prominent in quality. She represents a small percentage of the Akaushi cattle in the western hemisphere. Still, when you find one of her offspring, you can count on a few things: (1) they will have many years of production in their tenure, (2) they will be top of the herd in terms of offspring quality, and (3) you can't take your eyes off of them!
504E is referred to as the "Elephant Cow." She is Ume's natural calf, born in 1995. She got her name due to her impressive body mass and large feet.
Fuyuko was one of the best-looking, well-built females of her day. Her Big Al daughters have left their mark on Akaushi's history. She lived to be 20+ years old, and many of our highest-performing and most impactful females today trace back to her.
The Akiko line has had as much name recognition as any genetic line in modern-day Akaushi cattle. Akiko was said to be one of the stoutest Akaushi females ever. Her Shigemaru daughters are maternal legends due to their proven cow power and have impacted the breed monumentally.
Kaedemaru has one of the most interesting stories you'll ever hear. She was the live calf of Dai 3 Namiaki Ni, who was imported from Japan and sired by Dai 10 Mitsumaru. She is the only living animal from the group of Akaushi that went to Canada in the 90s. Kaedemaru was purchased by Bill Fisher and brought to Texas because of her outstanding phenotype and rare pedigree. Dai 10 Eihou and Dai 3 Namiaki represent her maternal outcross lineages.
Haruko is another female not found in many pedigrees but is very prominent in quality. She represents such a small percentage of the Akaushi cattle in the western hemisphere, but when you find one of her offspring, you can count on a few things: (1) they will have many years of production in their tenure, (2) they will be top of the herd in terms of offspring quality, and (3) you can't take your eyes off of them!



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